Layering Wildscapes in Your Garden [Video]


at the

ReWild Virtual Public Meeting on Zoom
(Open and Free to all)

Joyce Hostyn, an amazing ReWilder from Kingston, Ontario, had hosted a wonderful session on designing landscapes with native plants. We have her recorded session and links to more information in this blog post.

 Roy Diblick likes to say: "One plant is just a single note; no matter how beautiful on its own, it needs other notes to form a melody. That’s where the real music can begin."

 We'll talk about how to use layers & mosaics to cultivate beautiful wildscapes. 

 Joyce is a rewilder who dreams of city streets lined with fruit and nut trees, wild parks and wild yards. She sees each yard as a possibility space  - one yearning to burst free from tightly controlled grass and foundation plantings to become a beautiful, biodiverse, magical wildscape populated with native species, edibles and companionable exotics. Raised on a farm where her family grew, foraged and preserved enough produce to last the year, Joyce now experiments with edible forest gardening on her lawn-free quarter acre lot (featured last summer in the Kingston-Whig Standard).

As a Master Gardener and Permaculture Designer, she coaches people on foodscaping & wildscaping as a new approach to gardening in a changing climate and is helping design and plant Kingston's first two public food forests. She spends time each week learning to read our urban forestscapes and documenting what she finds with iNaturalist. Any day she get her hands dirty either in the garden or in the kitchen is a magical day.

The slides for this presentation, as well as many wonderful links to her related work in this area, are available at Layering wildscapes: designing with plant communities.

You can also subscribe to Joyce Hostyn’s rewilding newsletter REWILDMYCITY.