ReWild Gardens by Sands Willets House


Sands-willets house

Located at The Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society, Port Washington, NY

The Sands-Willets house falls under the umbrella of The Cow Neck Peninsula Historical Society. The historical society is a supporter of ReWild Long Island.

The Sands-Willets house ca. 1735 has been undergoing restoration and renovation of house and grounds over the past few years. We have been removing invasive plants and re-imagining spaces with native plants using sustainable garden practices. We currently have a bird friendly garden in association with North Shore Audubon, a shade garden and a four-square colonial garden. 

The historical society’s mission is to educate the community on local history and to understand a sense of place, how we interact with the house, grounds, and our peninsula, and how we learn about ecosystems and species and its relationship to the site for a more sustainable future.

Interested in volunteering? Contact Betty Mintz at