Willow Road Elementary School


Willow road elementary school

Located adjacent to the Willow Road Elementary School building in Valley Stream, NY


Our mission with the Gardens Program was to facilitate a sense of responsibility, foster a curiosity for learning, and motivate students to participate in their community. Educational goals include (1) providing all children educational opportunities in a garden and outdoors; (2) engaging children in special education with life skill activities; and (3) promoting social-emotional learning and skills through gardening. 

We believe that our main success is student involvement. Elementary-aged students are excited and take pride in their participation in the garden. In this process, the students have learned what plants need in order to grow, what insects are good and bad for the garden, and the life cycle of plants.  They truly enjoy watering the flowers and tending to the garden. In addition to the irrigation system and hose system, Ms. Jeanette Walters purchased watering cans for all her students to help water the plants. 

With the help of club moderators - Dr. Kristina DiLauro, Speech-Language Pathologist, and Ms. Jamey Schechter, Social Worker, the Willow Road Best Buddies Club, which includes general education students in sixth grade and students in self-contained classes, worked on decorating rocks to outline the garden space. Additionally, Ms. Walters’ class painted rocks to help outline the garden.

We had a few students comment on the bees in the garden. Due to our learning from ReWild, we know that bees are an essential part of the ecosystem where plants and animals work together. We have a further understanding that animals and insects have an essential impact on the ecosystem and nature.